Monday, March 16, 2009

Roof deck modifications + cornice work

With the help of our friends, we recently completed an extension for the roof deck that will allow a small landing opposite the roof hatch & ladder. The plants in this area were not thriving due to increased foot traffic whenever anyone accessed the roof. The elongated platform should give a little more breathing room by the roof hatch. We also had to modify the steel railings and posts which will wrap around to enclose the new landing area. Once those are in place, we'll tackle the installation of the cables. We have purchased a few off-the-shelf components to allow us to test-run a small portion. If all goes well, the end result will be an open, clean, & economical railing solution. The main goal is to preserve that beautiful Philly skyline view while providing a safe place for socializing.

Painting the cornice is another small task that we tackled ourselves. Everyone took a turn here- testing our balance on a somewhat wobbly set of pump jacks on a very cold day. In the photos below you'll see our friend Justin, me (Emily), & Christopher each taking a turn. Turns out that Christopher had the strongest nerves, as Justin and I conveniently let him to paint the edges farthest away from the scaffolding. We're no dummies.

1 comment:

Roof Coatings said...

Congratulates dude, hope now we will see your new ideas on roof repairing, i hope that will be more helpful rather than before, best of luck.